Thursday, June 3, 2010

God is moving...

Wow, God is amazing. Day after day He reveals Himself more and more. I pray I do not grow used to veiwing God in this life, but that I am awestruck every single time He reveals Himself. Over the past few days, I've really become antsy. I really want and need to get outside and minister to the people of Grand Cayman, but as students are still meeting and parents are at full-time jobs, I still find myself stuck inside behind this computer! I've prayed over and over for God to open opportunities for me to minister outside of this church, and He has been gracious enough to give me two guys I can meet with that are not in school. One really has no interest in church, and the other has just recently rededicated his life to Christ but haven't heard anything from him since. These are two guys I know that God has placed there for me to hang out with and be intentional with, and I pray I am not too fearful to make the step to doing so.
Last night, Mrs. Kathy Scott and I were able to go and visit three of the youth from CIBC. I'm so thankful that I've walked into this place where this is already established and I can just join right in. Mrs. Kathy makes it a point each week to reach out to several of the youth and just see really what's going on with them. She asked me to pick out the youth we would go see for this week, so I got to work praying and reviewing the youth cards we had them fill out on my first friday night. There were five that stated they want a relationship with Christ, and there were seven that had nothing written on them. Eleven of the youth have proclaimed that they have received Christ. As I prayed, God revealed six youth to me, and we were able to visit three of them last night. The first was Ashley. She is a young girl who has stated that she does not have a relationship with God, but she wants one. As we pulled up to her house, we knocked on the door and a man answered revealing to us that she had been asleep since earlier that evening. I was disappointed that I would not get to see her, but her sister said that she just woke up. They said she woke up when she heard there was someone at the door and came downstairs. She was very happy to see us, and very surprised it seemed. She had only visited CIBC one time, and that was my first night there. We sat down and began to discuss what was going on in her life, and I was able to share my testimony with her. She seemed very intrigued through everything, but when the question, "Are you ready to accept Christ as your Savior?" she sadly declined. She has been going to church at another church for a while and has been studying God, but she just doesn't feel like she's ready to make that committment yet. I assured her that it was ok, that God will continue to reveal Himself to her, and that, of course, we would still welcome her as a friend into our homes and church. Although, I did remind her that as humans we cannot fortell the future and when our lives and hope of a decision will come to an end. I told her, when God reveals Himself to you, do not wait but openly accept Him. She asked me something about my testimony, and we discussed it a little more. Then, I shared what we were going to be doing this Friday night and next Wednesday night before we left. Ashley is a precious girl, I pray that she is moved to acceptance by the hand of God.
The next person we went to see is a thirteen year old guy named Jykalli. Jykalli and his brother Jonassi were the first youth that I met here at the church last Friday. I was just getting the ping pong table set up when he and his brother walked in. Jykalli picked up the paddle and was ready to go. He's my buddy. Jykalli has recently been added into the fold of believers in Christ, and it blessed my heart when I heard he made that decision. Jykalli, although, does not quite understand the decision he has made. When the act of baptism was talked about on his behalf, he acted very apprehensive towards it. I asked him why he didn't want to be baptized, and he said that there is no turning back from the decision he has made after that. I kind of laughed, knowing that he is already in God's hands and knowing exactly what he is thinking since I made that decision about the same time he did, and talked to him about it a little more. He doesn't think he will be able to hang out with his friends, or go to the movies, or go to his friends' "parties" after he is baptized. I asked him what kind of parties are they throwing, and he told me that his friends would invite people over to have fun, listen to music, dance a little, and just hang out (mind you that it's all under the parents' and adults' supervision). This I thought was quite funny, and even laughed about after he said it. That really broke the ice, and we got to have a good talk about what being a Christian means, and that it's not taking away your fun or your friends. I talked to him about love for Christ and the love that He has for us. We talked about a daily quiet time, and I encouraged him to come to our new believers class that is starting next Wednesday. By the time we were done, he was a little more assured knowing that he will learn more within this month before he is baptized.
The last girl we visited was Alex. Alex has been coming to the Friday night youth meetings for a while now, and has really been through some tough struggles in her life. Her life at home wasn't the greatest, and it carried over into her school life and even her church life. After a long talk with Mrs. Kathy a while back, she made a change for a better life. She started making friends and learning more and more about God. She experienced the love of God through this church and through her friends at church. On her youth card, she told a short testimony of what's been going on and ended it with the statement, "I think I'm going to get saved." When I read that, I was overwhelmed by God and His great love for us. I was able to meet her dad and her step-mom, as well as her sister and step-sister...and the chihuahua, diago. We sat down and began to discuss God and all the things that she's heard spoken of many times at CIBC. We talked about God's love, grace, mercy, power, and majesty. Then, I was able to share with her part of my story. I told her that before I was saved, I lived in a world of sin and rebellion. I told her about my rebellion against my parents, family, and church and how I completely turned away from God. Then, God moved me to say something that hit her hard. I told her of the gaping hole that I had within me; I tried to fill that whole with sex, alcohol, parties, and popularity...I could see in her eyes and slight change of expression that she has been there too, and know all too well the picture I'm painting. Then, I made clear to her that nothing except the saving power of Jesus Christ could ever fill that hole, and her face gladdened. As we continued our discussion, I asked her if she was ready to accept Christ as her Savior. She simply said, "I think so." Right then, she prayed to receive God into her life. After, we discussed what the next step is, and then we shared with her parents what just happened. It was one amazing night. I can in no way express to you my joy and compassion that God has given me for this place. It is not because of its beautiful beaches, stingrays, starfish, dolphins, or is simply because God is moving...

1 comment:

  1. tell Alex that I will be praying for her. What an awesome experience.
