Monday, May 31, 2010

God is already here...

Friday afternoon was a rush. I had been preparing for the content of our first youth gathering, and the day just seemed to drift away. I knew I was well unprepared to teach God's holy and precious Word, but the night was soon approaching. As I arrived at the church about an hour before the event, I began to setup the room that we would meet in and aloso the field we would have our games on. As the last of the chairs was set up, I really felt a pull on my heart to set up the ping pong table. Now, I know how some of my friends and the ones closest to me would react. They would all think it was just me wanting to play ping pong, but seriously, many don't know how big of an impact sports can have on teenagers. Sport's ministries have been a thriving accomplishment in the development of ministry. It has allowed doors to open for conversation and deep questions of faith, only because the teens are in a setting in which they are comfortable and more open.
Even before the table was completely set up, two guys walked in and one picked up a paddle ready to go. He helped me finish setting it up and then we started playing. I asked him how long he had been playing, and he replied about a year and a half. He noticed that I was quite good compared to him and asked if I was a professional or something. I have to say I laughed at that one, and then I told him I had only been playing for two months. You can imagine his reaction. All night, he kept telling his friends to play me to see how bad I could beat them. Now, how did this have anything to do with glorifying God? As a matter of fact, I was able to meet and start building relationships with these people that I had never even seen before in my life. I know that little things such as this will add dividends to the ministry here at CIBC. As we began to calm down and put up the ping pong stuff, the youth all found their places amongst the chairs, and I opened up the Scripture to 1 Peter 1:22-25. I introduced the subject and broke down the passage, and last, I shared my testimony with them. They were very antsy, talkative, and somewhat disrespectful during this time (I was told it would be like this), but they are very young in age and faith. I knew it would be a struggle to maintain any kind of study with them with these conditions. Afterwards, we headed out to the park where we ate, played basketball, and played some soccer. Again, I was able to build relationships with the youth through this. God really moved them to realize that I'm a real dude just like they are, but how can I use that thought to draw them closer to the God I worship?
I got home that night, exhausted, and I began to get ready for bed. I felt God moving me to read through the information cards the youth filled out earlier that night which revealed their testimony of their salvation. So, I sat down on my bed and began to read through some. Most had the time when they were baptized, walked the aisle, and such, but others were empty. I knew there was a very mixed group of people in this youth group, so it can as no shock to see no personal testimony. After going through most of them, I read one which said, "Don't have one, can't explain but I want to have one." This one definately woke me up! So many times we miss what a blessing it is to be apart or a witness to someone accepting Christ, especially us "Bible Belt" dwellers. Our waistline has become so big, when another is added, it's just like more icing on the cake! How ignorant are we to this fact that the same God that has drastically changed your and my life is the same Almight Father who is working to change another's life?!?! This is not some fairy tale of far far away...this is life, and God is already here in it. After reading that one, I came upon another, and another, and another which all read pretty much the same thing. They don't know a whole lot about God, but they want to know more. They've been taught this for a little while, and now they are ready to accept Him! This is RIGHT HERE! The harvest is already here, the crop is ready to be picked, the growth is plentiful! God is here already, and He is ever-moving throughout this place.
Friday afternoon, I received a call from the head of the youth counsel who leads the youth Sunday school class. She told me that a man that usually prepared the lesson cannot be there, and she had too much to take care of to prepare it, so she asked if I could lead it. I said yes, of course and began preparing this introduction to the new study for the youth. After a very relaxing saturday, I woke up Sunday morning for class and headed to the church. I arrived a bit before class started, so I went and set up the room and grabbed a few extra chairs just in case. Usually, a Sunday morning consisted of a 20+/- minute superficial lesson and about five youth show up, usually late. This morning, the room filled up quite fast, and we actually needed those extra chairs I grabbed earlier. In all, there were probably 15 youth there, which is astounding, and all of them had their eyes locked and focused on the lesson. It was amazing to see the transformation that God had already begun in their lives. Again I can say, God is already here, and He was here before I arrived preparing the hearts and minds of these youth.
Pastor Randy asked me to share a 4-5 minute testimony of God in my life to introduce myself to the church. When he called for me to join him on stage, I just got up and let the Lord lead. I don't really know what came from my mouth, but I know it was mostly about building a family of believers and sharing my passion for God with them and the youth at CIBC. The service was phenomenal. God really is at work in this church. They all accepted me into their body just like they would an elder in the church. There was no discrimination or holding back for this family of mine. Our hearts, minds, and actions are one together in Christ for He is among us, and He lives in us.

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