Friday, May 28, 2010

In the beginning...

So during my first week in the Cayman Islands, I have been priveleged enough to go snorkeling in the corel gardens, visit Stingray City where I found many stingray friends, visit and snorkel at rum point, and gather eight starfish which we found in one small area. I've met many new people, spoken with several new friends, and eaten at the local Burger King and Wendy's. Along with many other details and events, I've also had the opportunity to see God's hand moving and meet people who desperately need the Lord. Last night, I went visiting with Mrs. Kathy Scott, and I met four families who are or had been apart of the church. I saw some needs that could definately be met with God's help, and now my mind is racing with plans of ministering to these people. Yesterday afternoon, we travelled all along the southern, eastern, and northern part of the island where I got to see Bodden Town and East End. Both of these areas are very sparce in resources and the spirit. Many sects and churches fill the area with false teachings, and the Lord showed me an area that is desperate for His true Word. In a land filled with so much prosperity and wealth, there are so many broken hearts and torn souls. Spiritual warfare is present and prevalent in this area which I became aware of last night. If you are reading this, pray for God's peace in tragic times and His strength in times of weakness. We all grow prone to a false hope, but we can always find hope within our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

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