Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Spiritual Realm...

As we all know, the spiritual world is very real rather you choose to believe it or not. I can share with you story after story of the spiritual world making its presence known here on this earth. This word I am about to share with you is completely true and is in no way exaggerated, but it is completely necessary. You see, we spend too much time trying to justify the demons and angels of the Bible as being Old Testament or New Testament beings, but I tell you the God of all time is still reigning and the devil of this world is steadily trying to take over.
Last night after we got in from visiting and ministering to some of our youth, I withdrew into my room where I worshipped and praised God for quite some time. During this time, I left my door open for the ever-neglected cat, Angel, to enter and stay for some time. Angel is deaf, and because of this sometimes she will howl and make all kinds of noises. She cannot hear herself, but she can feel the vibrations of her voice, so she meows quite often and quite loud. On several occasions, I have not been able to sleep because of her excessive attempts to hear herself. After several days in this new house, Mrs. Kathy revealed to me that her daughter has been attacked on numerous occasions by an evil spirit. She said that she has been spoken to and its voice would run through her head at night. I have come to believe in the spirits through testimonies of my own life, so I agreed to test the spirits. That night, I withdrew to my room and began to worship until all things were still and quiet, and then I listened. Even as I write this, I am chilled. Angel, such an ironic name, began to howl and moan...sounds that I never knew a cat could or would ever want to make. I knew something was disturbing the area...if you didn't know, animals have a strong connection with the spiritual world for they remain neutral in it. From this point on I can only try to describe to you what happened. Chills covered my body and tears welled in my eyes. I felt like a little child, fearing a monster would come and take me at any time. I became well aware of all the shadows in my room and felt them growing and closing the gap between them and me. But someone stands in the gap for us; His name is Jesus Christ, and no force can overtake Him. I began to pray and speak with the Lord, and the spirits fled at the sound of His holy and powerful name. I tell you that to tell you this...
Last night, I knew satan would try to overtake me, but I know that God will never allow that to happen and I stand firm in Him. The cat was playing and roaming around the room while I worshipped and praised the Father for all He had done. When it was time for bed, I sent the cat out and shut the door behind her. Satan knew that Angel was a witness to my worship, and I feel like he decided to use her against me. As I lay quietly in my bed, I could hear the wails from Angel in the hallway and next room. They began to become more and more distorted through the next minutes, and I knew what was to come next. I heard her footsteps in the next room running and circling and turning down the hallway...BAM! She ran headfirst into my bedroom door. I heard her moan, and then she ran back down the hallway to repeat this several times. I was terrified at this and began to tremble. Then, I heard her come down the hall and begin to scratch at my door and continue to make distorted sounds. All the sudden, like I had somehow forgotten, I remembered that no matter what powers come against me in this life, I have one that stands for me. He holds me up and has promised to never let me go. I began to seek the Lord at this time, and Angel returned to normal and fell asleep.
I tell you this to inform you of the spiritual realm and to remind you that Satan is ever-trying to reach us. The power of God remains with in us, we remain within the power of God. Nothing can ever come against us come away victorious. God will never leave us nor forsake us. Stay strong.

1 comment:

  1. please be careful in dealing with spirits, just remember how crafty satan can be. I know that God is much more powerful than he that is in the world...but remember he is also powerful and can play on your weaknesses. I am praying for you. Be careful!!
