Friday, July 23, 2010

Long time, no see

Wow, it has been an incredibly long time since I last wrote a blog. The last few weeks have been crazy. Four weeks ago I was in the Brac for 9 days, then I came back and worked all week preparing for VBS, the next week was VBS and Kids' Camp, and last week my parents came in and just left yesterday. It's been extremely busy, but I've seen God move the whole time. I got to preach in the Brac and hang out with some cool people in a seminary course. I made some great contacts with two pastors from the state who I'm planning to go see. During VBS, 22 kids came to know Christ! what an incredible story of God's great love. Each child was led to Christ one by one. It was not a group thing, or something done because a friend did it. Each child approached a leader and said they wanted to accept Jesus! I still cannot get over that. The whole week, I played the role of "Dusty," the mascot of the VBS. I was a cowboy by day and Mr. Heath by afternoon. It was quite the workout trying to maintain the composure of my two characters and the kids, but we had a fantastic time worshipping the Lord. God has been showing me many things underwater the past few times I've been. I love seeing His creation, and I believe it is God answering little prayers to better glorify Him. The last three times I've been, I've seen some of the most unique and rare fish in Cayman. I saw 3 French Angelfish, a Yellow-tailed Damselfish, several Stoplight Parrotfish, a Hermit Conk (very rare), and a black Lionfish at Coral Gardens and the Barrier Reef. On my fourth time out to Stingray City, I felt like a pro. I held about 15 stingrays for a few seconds, but I went under and caught 8 stingrays and held them for minutes at a time. It was absolutely beautiful. At Governor's Beach this week, I saw a unique French Angelfish, two Queen Angelfish (very rare), a Queen Triggerfish, a Hogfish, two Midnight Butterflyfish, two Trunkfish, several Stoplight Parrotfish, a Spotted Moray Eel, and the biggest blowfish I've ever seen!! The last time I went, we went to Rumpoint. We stopped at a cay along the way and saw 5 starfish, and I held several Mangrove Jellyfish and saw 4 Box Jellyfish, the deadliest jellyfish in the world...didn't know it until after I left the waters. At Rumpoint, the snorkeling isn't very good, but I enjoy it, so I went anyways. Under the dock, I saw about 30 Pikefish and a huge lobster. When I saw the lobster, it was sleeping, so I decided to wake it up. I went down and touched it, and it wiggled a little. Then, I pushed it a little, still it just wiggled slightly. Then, I went down and picked it up off the sand and dropped it. It was awakened and turned and faced me all sprowled out. I noticed it was missing its right eye and used it for my advantage. I went around the pillar where it couldn't see me and waited for it to turn just enough to be directly in front of me. When it was, I went down and picked it up by the tail and brought it to the surface. An older couple was walking along the dock and saw it, so I showed them my catch and told them how I got it. Then, I set him back down and watched it for a minute. After they left, I went back down, picked him up, and swam about 150 yards to show my mom and dad. My mom waded out to where I was, and we took some pictures of it. After we were done, I set him back out so it could go on its way. My next stop will be Cemetary Beach in search of the great Eagle Ray.
Yesterday, I was meeting with Pastor Randy, and he was explaining the last few weeks in Cayman for me. An opportunity has come up for me to go back to the Brac and preach again. They have been asking if I could come back since I left, and it has worked out that I will leave for there this Monday. It was either stay in Grand Cayman with nothing to do ministry-wise or go to the Brac and preach 9 times in two weeks...or I could go home. The night before, I was praying and didn't really know what to do for the rest of the time here. All the youth were gone and the retreat idea is just that, an idea. My primary ministry while I am here is youth, and now they were gone. So, I prayed that God would give me opportunities to reach out and minister to others in these last two weeks. Here I am, about to head to the Brac with 9 opportunities! God has opened up another door in the Brac as well. The last few weeks, I've been trying to find out how to get certified to dive. I love snorkeling the surface so much, I know I would love diving. The only thing I really found out is that it will cost too much money and take too much time. I found out yesterday that Brac Reef has a dive certification course that lasts no more than two weeks, and we know a lady that can get me a discount! I love my God. If we are just obedient to Him and drive for His will, He will provide for us and give us the desires of our hearts.

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